Thank you, Tanker, for making New Brunswick politics interesting again.
Ever since you crossed the floor, ruined Cleveland Allaby's hopes of becoming a judge, fished for work for someone named Judy, got elected speaker, took credit for the budget, limited your media interviews to Miramichi's favourite (and only) rock station, THE RIVER, and then hop-scotched back into the Tory caucus, Fredericton has been blessed with political fun! fun! fun! unseen since poor old Dick Hatfield tried to share a doobie with our Queen.
Tanker Malley is one bus driver who knows how to start a pile-up. With both Bernard Lord and Shawn Graham trading insults on a daily basis (all the while being coached by their respective puppet masters, Percy Mockler and Kelly Lamrock), who knows when this legislative impasse will come to an end.
My guess? When Fredericton's May heat wave hits the legislative building, the first caucus to lose a member to dehydration will be the one to concede. Unless, of course, Frank Branch goes to jail.
Fredericton's legislature is now the baddest in the land. Take that, Stephen Harper and your boring accountability act!
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