Monday, August 20, 2007

The Sandpipers were here! The Sandpipers were here!

Since this blog writes the odd bit on NB culture, it's easily time for a post on nature.

And what better topic than the Bay of Fundy's migratory
sandpipers! As the images taken at Johnson's Mills highlight,
they're quite a show...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another Number Not Seen In the Times & Transcript

Odd things happen when papers essentially farm out their business section.

Take the Telegraph Journal (please! -ed). In recent months, they have practically phoned in a large part of their business news from their Moncton desk, despite the fact that the provincial paper is based in Saint John.
Because the Moncton Times & Transcript publishes whatever employment-related news release that emerges out of the hub city, you can't expect that paper to focus on good news in Saint John. But since the Telegraph Journal isn't doing it's job, some big stories are being missed.
A prime example is the latest Labour Force Survey. According to the July data, in the last year 4 out of 5 jobs created in NB were located in the Saint John CMA. For whatever reason, this sort of news isn't found in the provincial daily.

Oh well. Maybe Enterprise Saint John should just hire Paul Zed's communications staff. They will send out press releases on everything....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

AECL and NB sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

According to this sunny news release, AECL (or more enthusiastically, TEAM CANDU!) is prepared to conduct a feasibility study on a second Lepreau.

AECL is about to write (and pay for) a report that suggests NB should go ahead with a fancy-pants new reactor, primed to deliver over 1,000 MW of electricity to the United States.

Considering how the federal crown corporation is about to examine the export-worthiness of its own product, perhaps it is too much to ask for due diligence. But it would be really nice if someone at the provincial crown corporation, NB Power, thought hard about this:

  • With a utility debt of over $2.9 billion, and average earnings from exports falling in at around a meagre $300 million annually, NB Power isn't necessarily in the best position to expand its load capacity.
  • Lepreau I may have been a good investment, but it was built over 25 years ago. Since that time, NB Power generation assets have certainly had a spottier record of performance (Coleson Cove? Belledune?....anyone? Bueller?)
  • The Americans are considering building over 25 new nuclear reactors, all with the financial assistance of Congress. Perhaps the New England energy market may not be as lucrative as AECL hopes (prays?) for.

All this to say that a Lepreau II feasibility study is certainly warranted, but perhaps not one that will be written by the folks who want to build the darn thing. Unless, of course, AECL offers to move Deep River, Ontario here to NB. At least that would help this province's population strategy...

UPDATE: According to the optimists, this project - if it goes ahead - won't cost NB taxpayers a dime, and NB Power may not in fact be the operator. Developing...